An Emily is a girl, typically between the ages of 12-17, who perceives herself to be the shit. She can usually be found at the local Starbucks, posting on her Snapchat story about how she needed the extra caffeine after a ruthless workout on the treadmill (cough, 5 minutes at speed 2). Emilyâs like to belittle others as to lift themselves up. They run off gossip and rumors. Emilyâs are over concerned with every detail of their outfit and will continuously ask her friend gc (which no one likes her on) what she should wear to go to, letâs say, a Shaws Supermarket. Emilyâs also think they are amazing at makeup, even though they have no skills at all. Emilyâs give shit advice and sometimes will even give you shit advice on purpose to get what they want. Emilyâs will most likely grow up and marry a guy with money that is 20 years older than her. They also hold a high probability of becoming a Karen.
Girl: Hey did you see Emilyâs snap story?
Other girl: Yeah I did! Does she realize no one cares that she stayed up 2 minutes past her bedtime?!!
Girl: Typical Emily.
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