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Turdy point buck

An extremely large white-tail deer that is 8 feet tall and weighs 12,000 pounds. 30 point antlers, with 15 points on each side. It can summon many hundreds of other turdy point bucks, and can disappear in an instant. A hunter encountered one, and shot at it with the Combination ak-57 uzi radar laser triple barrel double scoped heat seeking shotgun, but missed, sending the hunter on a life long quest to "get dat turdy point buck".

(Both with heavy midwest accents)
Person 1: Did ya see da turdy pointer?
Person 2: No clyde. But I'm gonna get dat Turdy point buck.

by crashdagamer April 26, 2022

Combination AK-57 uzi radar laser triple barrel double scoped heat seeking shotgun

The only weapon powerful enough to kill a turdy point buck. There is only one in existence, but the owner of the weapon is a very bad shot, as he could not hit an 8 foot tall deer from ten feet away.

My only hope was betty lou. She was the one. A Combination AK-57 uzi radar laser triple barrel double scoped heat seeking shotgun.

by crashdagamer December 31, 2022

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