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1. a mixture between giant, gigantic, horfic, and fantastical
2. a really big, disgusting, terrifying thing but yet still facinating and cool

that animal is so gigantorificatastical it's gross

by crazymusicdudette January 1, 2009


something that is extremely unusual and cause you mental pain or distress

seeing that person naked was so horrific that i can never look them in the eye ever again

by crazymusicdudette January 1, 2009

33👍 7👎


someone who hates and wants to kill themselves; the complete opposite of goth but still wears dark colors

he called me a skizzer because i cut myself

by crazymusicdudette January 1, 2009

5👍 20👎

emo clown

someone who is emo and wears ALOT of eyeliner

that emo clown would looks like a racoon she/he wears so much eyeliner

by crazymusicdudette January 1, 2009

17👍 10👎

brain fart

when you either blurt out something extremely wrong or embarassing infront of people or when you completely forget how to do something or say something

1. forgeting your name
2. I love you!! to someone infront of a bunch of people and they look at you really weird then you say or think oops brain fart

by crazymusicdudette January 2, 2009

20👍 15👎


1. a person who has emotional difficulties
2. need a way to express their emotions
3. can not deal with the world ergo they cut themselves to escape from reality

i'm a cutter because i hate society these days

by crazymusicdudette January 1, 2009

4👍 4👎