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probably the only good mainstream rock band today, since they have now gotten back together recently.

often times compared to nickelback and other bands of that sort, when they are in fact 10 times better. their guitarist can actually play solos, their singer actually sings, and he writes lyrics that aren't all about getting wasted and having sex with whores.

their music is somewhat cheesy yes but most people who hate them have probably never picked up one of their albums, because they actually put a lot of good songs on them, its not 2 singles for the radio than a bunch of crap.

somehow everyone says they hate them but they sold 30 million records in like 5 years, which has to be some kind of record, obviously most people are just sheep and don't wanna admit to listening to music their friends hate.

"dude creed sucks so much, i heard that song on the radio the other day... that must mean every other song on their album sounds that way"

"dude creed is so talentless, thats why their guitarist is in every guitar magazine in the world every month"

"dude fuck creed, their singer talks about god, no rock band ever has done that, especially not metallica, several times... nope"...

by creedmakesbettermusicthanyou August 29, 2009

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