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cream cup

a trick to get a girl cummed on when she doesnt even know it

first you make a milkshake, then you jizz all over in it, and then mix it in, give her the milkshake and after she gulps it down call her a semon swallower, she will be confused, then you thouroughly explain how you made the shake and cummed into it, she will get mad of course, thats when you dump her and kick her outta the house.

hah..i got rid of the hoe by givin her a cream cup

by crustynraunchy December 7, 2007

8πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

stupid freshman

a freshman, or new person to a school who gets bullyed for the first few weeks, and doesnt have any street smart skills, it is common for juniors and seniors to ridicule these kids, and junior high students try to be cool and make fun of them for being a stupid freshman but there even more immature for not realizing there lower than low

i push stupid freshman into lockers almost daily

by crustynraunchy December 5, 2007

15πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


a way cool pill that is easy to access, its not stupid, its helpful, especially to those prescribed, now mixing it with hard alchohol can get pretty ugly, itll fuck ya up, i havent tried that before.

ben told me about vicoden, now i wanna try it.

by crustynraunchy December 5, 2007

34πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

slimy breakfast

you crack two large healthy eggs into a girls vagina, then fuck it, when you both leave a discharge, you make her eat the eggs, you cook them with the semon and squirt all over it

you should really give her a slimy breakfast for your anniversary.

by crustynraunchy December 7, 2007

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


a good fellow who deserves a much better life than what he is given, being constantly teased but then rising up to have mad respect out of the unique characteristics he has from being teased as a child, a good, non annoying christian person who is fun for a laugh or so. there life sucks

yo dooger check this out

by crustynraunchy December 5, 2007

27πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

joke class

a class, or schooling session that is nothing more than a joke, no homework, no authority, no control, its ridiculous and everyone is having a good time, the type of thing that makes school worth half the time your there, prevalent in junior high mostly

having mr. banhge is a guarantee joke class dude

by crustynraunchy December 5, 2007

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

hemlock hick

one who lives in hemlock, and typically listens to metal or flies the confederate flag, they live in the country and get drunk plenty, also they love sporking and toilet papering.

that damn hemlock hick sure likes his beer

those hemlock hicks sporked my yard.

by crustynraunchy December 4, 2007

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž