Source Code

Agent: 1c3c0ld

Agent: 1c3c0ld defines a person, a virtual person who is a hacker, an ethical hacker.
This particular word, is personified and taken as the hacker himself.

Agent: 1c3c0ld rooted the boX !

by cruxk August 23, 2011

16👍 1👎



- no comparison

My soccer team is a Zyfus!

by cruxk July 22, 2011

3👍 1👎


a techie word to abuse a person.

meaninG "his/her mother's"

uSchema_key() ..how can that &^(* do that ?

by cruxk August 23, 2011

3👍 1👎


Thats so lame,shut up.

What? You scored FULL ON in Physics? BaiGan....stop kiddin'.

by cruxk August 23, 2011

16👍 4👎