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trippin absolute ballsack
in blissful dimension

Ya bud, I’m absolutely glipnorped right now.
Yo, he’s geeekin, dude is absolutely glipnorp(ed)

by cstrr September 21, 2021


getting absolutely bazooked with friends/birdies on a night out/getting active, running wild

hey chad, last night was an absolute muckshow! let’s take it easy tonight, eh!?

Hey guy, tonight is going to be a muckshow! make sure to wrap up!

by cstrr December 24, 2020


an absolute unit!
someone who can take 10 stews to the dome in 1 minnow
the first and last person you see before you wake up with a sore jaw on the ground..

hey thad! you see that f**king vessel walk into the bar, holy sh*t

dude that vessel just gobbled up 3 chicks in one night!

by cstrr December 24, 2020

11👍 3👎