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A slaythan is a very rare species. they are born with the name nathan but hence turn into slaythan after his pulling abilities are displayed while growing up. his ability to slay each and every woman is rivalled by none other and he is constantly rolling around in putang and has no regard for cracking open a cold one with the boys with their is pussy to be chasing, a total bloody onyon

check slaythan over there pulling another bettie as usual! what a lad

by dablord421 May 9, 2017

10👍 1👎

monique hugo

Probably the most useless Stats lecturer ever recorded in history. A monique hugo (pronounced hew-ghoo) is a rare and peculiar species. During a typical hugo lecture, She can be seen at the front of the class doing absolutely fuck all whilst all of her students begin to ponder how in the fucks name did this half wit become a lecturer in the first place. Those who take their degrees seriously and wish to pass stats are basically fucked as it is extremely difficult, nay impossible, to obtain a single shred of useful information from this incompetent simpleton. If anyone comes across this incredible creature it is strongly advised to steer clear as it is almost guaranteed that you are fucked in life if you happen to unfortunately be placed in this. so take this warning and avoid this interesting specimen at all costs, thank you.

whats up man, what lecture do you have now? I've got stats with Monique hugo, i am so fucked dude please help me

by dablord421 February 14, 2018

9👍 2👎