Sarah Palin...
-is a bitch
-is the reason why the Mayans predicted that the world will end in 2012
-gives her children the shittiest names. Examples include Trig, Purple, Penis, Orgasm, Twogirlsonecup, vomit, etc.
-loves to go into a helicopter and gun down animals with a .50 cal chain gun
-is fugly
-thinks that the dinosaurs lived 4000 years ago
-wants creationism to be taught in public schools, even though religion isn't supposed to be taught in public schools
-thinks that she has foreign experience just because Russia is supposedly in her backyard
-is the reason why McCain lost the election
Sarah Palin: Hey Penis, wanna go hunt wolves with me today?
Penis: Sure
Sarah Palin: *Boards an attack helicopter, chases a wolf down, and fires a missile at it*
Penis: Whee!
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