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high schoolers

They always seem to be some needy attention seekers writing up shit on Twitter with dumb crap like "11:11," "like for a tbh," (this one actually means "trampy blue horn," which relates to worshipping the Blue Brother of Lucifer; but these kids think it means "to be honest;" and even so, "like for a to be honest" is nowhere near GRAMATICALLY CORRECT), always shooting up pics of their butts on Instagram and saying stupid, made-up words like "slay" and "avi" (meaning "avatar"), etc. The boys end up getting killed or arrested, and the girls end up pregnant before 20 and shit.

There's always stupid stuff like homecoming, prom...interesting since actually the coming part in homecoming and the prom word both have explicit, sexual connotations: the "coming" part is slang and relates to the pleasure that usually happens in freaky-ass adulthood, and the word "prom" actually derives from "pron," which is internet slang for pornography.

I can't freaking stand homecoming or prom! No rant intended, but even the football BS is starting to ramp up some drunk idiots and violent, law-breaking assholes trying to screw their ladies and crushes up.

The innocent, real normal kids get in trouble because of these fucking dumbass "popular" antichrists!

Them dumbasses'd be in prison in Texas for the shit they'd usually get away with in California.

Screw the high schoolers. I just want them to suck a liberal's big cock!

by dangnuggets November 3, 2016

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The way black conservatives use "asked"

Black liberal/independent: I asked this nigga whether he like Trump or not and he was like nah dude he racist
Black conservative: I axed this nigga whether he like Trump or not and he was like nah and that if I like him I an "uncle tom"

by dangnuggets April 2, 2019

holy heck

People are idiots nowadays. Heck is a G-rated word, hell is PG, and shit is PG-13.

Holy heck, people are darn stupid!

by dangnuggets March 18, 2016

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A derogatory term for a PE teacher; derives from the last name of Adolf Hitler

The hitlerhead made us run 80 laps!

by dangnuggets April 12, 2016

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A word that is substituted for swear words (such as dick, shit, fuck, nigga, etc).

Cut the bitch! (Cut the crap!)
Bitching bitch! (Fucking hell!)
Stop with your bitching bull-bitch, you stupid bitch! (Stop with your fucking bullshit, you stupid dick!)
Real quick, bitch real quick! (Real quick, nigga real quick!)
Lord bitch it to bitch! (God dammit/damn it to hell!)

by dangnuggets March 19, 2016

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got the juice

Euphemism for "got the dick (or pussy)," used by teenagers online who don't want to get in trouble by their parents for being the ultimate perverts

Kylie: Kendall, what happened with your boyfriend?
Kendall: Oh, uhh, I just got the juice from him.

by dangnuggets March 31, 2016

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fat jock

A complete dumbass PE teacher with an IQ level of a 10-year-old. Usually a male with a stomach being hugged by his tight shirt.

My teacher sent me to the office for no reason; he is such a fat jock.

by dangnuggets April 6, 2016

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