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Whites finally get the racial slur equivalent to the blacks' nigger and Jews' kike.

Also known as strong racial epithets, nigger, kike, and colonizer are the equivalents to fuck, shit, and cunt.

Words like chink, spic, and cracker are more like the equivalent to damn, hell, and ass.

Mong and other not so derogatory racial slang are more like the equivalent to crap, frickin, butt, or screw

Whites are colonizers, Blacks are niggers.

by dangnuggets January 16, 2019

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An ability that makes little kids allowed to say the word crap in front of their parents when angry, but only if the suffix 'ola' is added.

Mom: Do you think Santa is real?
4-year-old: No.
Mom: Why not?
4-year-old: The imagination of him giving every kid presents is crapola!

by dangnuggets March 10, 2016

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Hot 100 Billboard

A very lit and awesome type of music to listen to.

I'm listening to Drake's new song on the Hot 100 Billboard.

by dangnuggets June 24, 2016

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LOL in all caps means she wants the D
lol in lower cases means friendzoned
However, Lol! means friends and Lol!! or Lol!!! means take the hint

Guy (listening to Lost In The Fire in video where fitness model performs hammies and glutes): Keep the lights on *smirky face x2*
Involved girl: LOL
Another girl: omg why do I find this so funny *cry emoji x2*

by dangnuggets January 15, 2019


You might be a redneck if...
* you watch NASCAR 24/7
* you got suspended or expelled from school more than 10 times in your life
* you find it appealing when big-booty girls fart
* you have a crush on a swear word
* you hate minorities and women

A redneck does one or more of all of the above things.

by dangnuggets November 5, 2016

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An insult to a special needs adult; derives from the name of Bill Gates

I kindly want you, my dear, to stop being a bgates.

by dangnuggets June 26, 2016


A special needs boy who pretends to be normal by cussing, using social media, and hanging out with normal kids (but mainly the cutest girls he sees). In reality not even the ugliest girls want him. He gets made fun of by the hot girls due to his habits.

Girl 1: Hey, you see that special needs kid right there with us?
Fuckboy: Ha, hey!
Girl 2: Why are you here, fuckboy? Where are your own friends at???

by dangnuggets April 23, 2016

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