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Ivana Pavlovic

A commonly used word for describing VSCO girls or some girls who want attentions so much. They always post everything on their Instagram spam account and Snapchat private story and only listening to Hypebeast and Tiktok
musics. And lots of them always ask other people for lunch money. They always have a rich elementary school friend and pay for everything. And they always love to beefing people for no reason. PLZ vote for it and have a good day

OML she is so Ivana Pavlovic, she keep posting random stuff of herself crying on snapchat!
Ivana Pavlovic asked me for money today again! She is a photoshop wanna be. She has nice ankles. Likes causing beef and smells beef. I like LiL Toes.

by dannydtheplug November 4, 2019