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Fuck yo couch nigga

This phrase originated from, was popularized in, and was entered into prominence by Chappelle's Show in episode #204 where Rick James says "fuck yo' couch, nigga" when he is caught kicking mud all over Charlie Murphy's white couch.

The phrase entered pop culture lexicon to mean audacious indifference or apathy in acts of disobedience or to a given situation.

"Man, my girl left me, I am so hurt."

"Man, fuck yo couch nigga, I got my own problems."

by dareeza July 29, 2008

401👍 106👎

fuck yo couch nigga

This phrase was brought into prominence and popularized by Chappelle's Show in episode #204, where Rick James says "fuck yo couch, nigga" when he is caught kicking mud on Charlie Murphy's white couch.

The phrase entered pop culture lexicon to mean audacious contempt, discontent or disregard for a given standard, convention or ideal, or utter indifference to a given situation.

Man: "Dude, my girl dumped me and I am so hurt."

Man 2: "Man, fuck yo couch nigga, I got my own problems."

Man: "I hope John McCain wins the election in 2008."

Man 2: "fuck yo couch, nigga! Obama will win in 2008!"

by dareeza August 4, 2008

123👍 75👎