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the word troq comes from the episode troq of the tv seris teen titans on cartoonnetwork. the term troq is used to describe how some other space dwellers refer to people from the planet Tamaran were teen titan starfire is from. others believe people from tamaran are worthless. so calling 1self or another a troq is to call 1self or another worthless.

worthless, useless, nothing, troq

by darknessperson69 December 7, 2013

39👍 10👎


Horny- to have a sexual arousal.

Women: have a wet pussy

Men: have an erected penis

Jade was at the football field she got lost in a fantasy were all the football boys fucked her, her pussy started to get wet. as she sat on the bleachers she realized that her pussy was wet. she watched the boys more. her pussy was soon soaked and she was hyperventilating. she snapped out of her fantasy hearing someone come toward her. the quarterback said "hey jade what's up?" she said "nothing" "that it?" "yeah" "you sure?" he had a weird look on his face "yeah why?" " it looks like you peed yourself." "oh um that's not pee I'm horny" "did you say you were horny?" "maybe why" "well I'm supposed to be going to my locker but that can wait" "what do you mean?" "I can put my cock in your wet pussy and make you scream" "yes" he walked up to her and ripped of her clothes and stripped him self. he put his hand in between her legs and rubbed her clitoris in a fast circular motion. her breathing pick up and he smiled. his 14-inch cock hardened and he stopped rubbing her and started to plow her tight wet pussy. she screamed "harder baby harder. faster, faster, faster. oooohhh baby oh. fuck me harder baby harder." soon the other boys came and she looked at them and said "I want all of you to bang me right now." all the boys ripped off their clothes and started to take turns with her until they all cummed and she orgasmed 14 times and past out next to all the naked football players. her fantasy came true.

by darknessperson69 June 4, 2013

195👍 67👎