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roflcoptercake literally means "rolling on floor laughing copter cake" the coptercake is there cuz it sounds legit. Many Sweet Laxer Brah's use this term.

-i was just playing the sweet lax and then somebody said the funniest thing.
-thats hillarious brah, what'd u say back?
-i was like, roflcoptercake brah

by daspa2012 June 6, 2009

5👍 4👎

Sweet Laxer Brah

The Sweet Laxer Brah is a brah who is too cool for school because he plays the sweet lax. They usually wear a polo, a backwards hat with flo/flow coming out the end, and preppy shorts, and high tops.

- Did you see that lax player over there?
- yeh, why?
-cuz he's a sweet laxer brah.
-sick brah

by daspa2012 June 6, 2009

1👍 1👎