Or J-Oing, an abreviated term for the noun: Jack Off. Or Jacking Off. The act of masterbating. Made popular by lazy idiots and people who are shy about such topics in public.
Dude, were you J-Oing in my bathroom?
88👍 52👎
The unofficial name for males between the ages of 15-30 who lift the suspension of thier trucks to retarded proportions, drive fast, cut people off because they can, speed up through puddles and speed bumps after which they usually yell, "YEAHHHH!". They are unusual in the way because they have many douchebag qualities but have more testosterone than any one person should possess, thus making them harder to classify. Also known as Assholes, they love to look for fights over everything and anything, including a slight look in thier direction, thier girlfriend or even thier trucks. Usually easily spotted from a distance because of the stickers on thier trucks or thier clothes, which consists of everything from Metal Mulisha to Famous Stars and Straps to No Fear and many other companies. These creatures originated in Southern California in Orange and Ventura Counties, but have since spread throughout the rest of the Western United States and as far inland as Texas. They should be approached with caution and possibly avoided at all times.
"Look at all those stupid trucks. Its like a yeah guy convention."
28👍 14👎
The unofficial name for males between the ages of 15-30 who lift the suspension of thier trucks to retared proportions, drive fast, cut people off because they can, speed up through puddles and speed bumps after which they usually yell, "YEAHHHH!". They are unusual in the way because they have many douchebag qualities but have more testosterone than any one person should possess, thus making them harder to classify. Also known as Assholes, they love to look for fights over everything and anything, including a slight look in thier direction, thier girlfriend or even thier trucks. Usually easily spotted from a distance because of the stickers on thier trucks or thier clothes, which consists of everything from Metal Mulisha to Famous Stars and Straps to No Fear and many other companies. These creatures originated in Southern California in Orange and Ventura Counties, but have since spread throughout the rest of the Western United States and as far inland as Texas. They should be approached with caution and possibly avoided at all times.
"That fucking Yeah-Guy just cut me off doing 85!!! Asshole!"
37👍 20👎
To skeet over a chicks eyes rendering her blind like the comic book hero "DareDevil".
"Yo dude, last night I totally daredeviled that hoe!"
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A wide, short-haired mohawk sported by bro and yeah-guy. They look stupid and gives mohawks a bad name. Some times hard to see underneath their Famous Stars And Straps hats and bandanas.
"That brohawk looks retarded; like a strip of shit on his head."
107👍 55👎