1. The ungroomed pubic region of a man.
2. A fuzzy sock like tube that is used to keep a man's penis warm during the winter months in Canada.
She was a champ but no matter what she tried she just kept getting a mouthful of his manmuff.
I went ice fishing wearing nothing but my manmuff.
A maxipad for men. Similar in shape to a maxipad but with mud flaps instead of wings. Similar function to a manpon but intended for those heavy flow days.
My manpon failed me this morning. I woke up in a puddle of my own anal seepage. It was like trying to plug a hole in the Hoover Dam with your finger. Had to switch the manpon out for a mansipad.
A word used to refer to a drink that is ordered by a man that is typically meant to be ordered by a woman.
Nice mangarita buddy! That time of the month again? Are you manstrating?
In its most common form it is a low guttural moan issued by a man we he experiences an orgasm. However there are many different types of manmoans and they are usually named based on an association with a particular animal species.
My room mate had his girlfriend over last night. She made him manmoan like Chebacca.