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Jacob is extremely charming to anyone who’s meeting him for the first time. A Jacob is a great person to joke around with and knows how to make you feel special. His true intentions are always good but he may appear somewhat cocky at times. He’s inwardly caring and he loves his mom. He is very athletic and attractive. He has a tendency to push real things away but you’ll stay up late thinking about him anyways. Don’t mess with him or his girl or you’ll regret it. He’s so smart but doesn’t want people to know. His smile makes your heart melt and all the girls want him. He wants to come off as cool, and he is. He’s actually really romantic and caring, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. He’s really good at giving cute nicknames too. He’s pretty irresistible and although he has his rough patches, you won’t regret being close to him; even if your not with him forever.

Me: Hey, your hair looks good today.
Jacob: Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself *winks and smiles*

by dear_sally December 17, 2020


Jacob is extremely charming to anyone who’s meeting him for the first time. A Jacob is a great person to joke around with and knows how to make you feel special. His true intentions are always good but he may appear somewhat cocky at times. He’s inwardly caring and he loves his mom. He is very athletic and attractive. He has a tendency to push real things away but you’ll stay up late thinking about him anyways. Don’t mess with him or his girl or you’ll regret it. He’s so smart but doesn’t want people to know. His smile makes your heart melt and all the girls want him. He wants to come off as cool, and he is. He can put up a wall when he starts to feel something because he’s scared. If he lets you in, don’t take him for granted. He’s actually really caring, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. He’s really good at giving cute nicknames too. He’s pretty irresistible and although he has his rough patches, you won’t regret being close to him; even if your not with him forever.

Me: Hey, your hair looks good today.
Jacob: Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself *winks and smiles*

by dear_sally December 18, 2020


Evelyn is a pretty cool girl. She may not be the hottest girl at the party but she will defiantly always be there for you. She’s not afraid to tell you the truth and she has a gift of empathy and perception. She always follows her instincts because she’s passionate and heart felt. She’s a lot stronger than she seems. She’s also been through a lot more than you may know. She’s smart and loyal as heck. She will always back you up in the moment even if she will have something to say about it later. She may appear shy, but once you get to know her she is really fun. She’s deep and has some trust issues but if she lets you into her heart, don’t run away. She feels things strongly, so even if she seems fine she may not be. She’s mature for her age and is strangely understanding when she wants to be. She can honestly be a real pain when you get on her bad side but as long as you don’t mess with her, her fiends, or her man, you’ll be fine. Hold her tight and be patient with her. She’s a pretty special catch.

Friend: Evelyn, he broke up with me. I’m so upset.

Evelyn: I’m so sorry honey. Go get your coat, we’re going out tonight. By the end of it, you’ll feel better; i promise *smiles with true empathy in her eyes*

by dear_sally December 18, 2020