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Sarah Palin

the Republican Vice-Presidential canidate for John McCain in the 2008 Presidential elction. She is also formerly know as the Mayor of Wassila and the Gov. of Alaska.
She is a firm believer in the Sanctity of life and the resourcefulness of the American people.
during her campaign as Vice presidential nominee she fought:
-for no abortion
-for no eauthenization
-for an increase in homeland oil dependency
-against gay marriage (as the Constitution specifically states that marriage is the union between one man and one woman)
-a decrease in Iraq troops but a steady stay in the war we need to fight, as radicalTerrorists are still a threat to the U.S.A.
-cutting spending and taxes and giving back to the communities
-for faith, strong believer in the power of "One Nation Under God!"
She has now returned to being the Gov. of Alaska and fighting corruption whenever it approaches.
Many look hopefully to her for the future in 2012 when she perhaps might run for President.

Sarah Palin is the future of the GOP!

by debbink8 December 11, 2008

5391👍 110👎


it is the hope and courage in things unseen, yet real!

Faith in the wind, God

by debbink8 December 11, 2008

34👍 38👎