A slang word for a smelly ass broke kid who thinks he's the shit because he works a terrible minimum wage job at McDonalds. retarded ass egoist who has done strictly nothing but ego lift for two years and believes he has the physique of an IFBB PRO when in reality he has the physique of a newborn baby. He believes he gets bitches because he dragged a hideous physically challenged down syndrome victim for about two months. He gets quite ecstatic about simple social interaction, despite the fact that no one wants to touch his awful musty smelling wretched man eating ass with a ten foot pole. And believes that wearing the most non playable character non-freethinking sheep fitting in type jacket in the world is "drip" like nah bro you just look like every other non hygenic discord pedophile moderator he needs to shave that hairy slimy worm living on his upper lip bro thinks that shit will ever get him bitches he needs to re evaluate his entire thought process.
Oh that quiet kid christian (hes a hodge)? I heard he doesn't wear deodorant