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A band called Insane Clown Posse, or ICP. They are a rap/metal hybrid that have created an occult-like religion. Whos followers are refered to as Juggalos/Juggalettes.

Ok this is my opinion. I don't see the point in this band, group, whatever. I consider myself a music enthusiast and know talent when I hear it. Now I know you might say "Just because they are not mainstream and they are different, you think they have no talent." Well this is untrue, I am a musician myself, and these two guys in ICP have hardly any musical talent. Now you are probably thinking "Just because they are not on MTV you hate them." Actually I HATE MTV with a passion. I don't listen to "popular music",all music today has lost it's talent. I listen to many different genres: classic rock,blues rock,blues,jazz,folk,southern rock,phycadelic, pre-80's pop,rockabilly,classical, and reggae. So I think I know what I'm talking about. And in my opinion all rap and hip-hop is just a disgrace to its Reggae and R&B roots. And the juggalos that I have seen are not the most intelligent people. And the guys in ICP are pro-wrestles for God's sake! Ok so people that follow this "religion". What evidence is there of your religion? What is the purpose of it? Also ICP's lyrics are pointless,rude,and vulgar. Cussing every sentence doesn't give your songs meaning. This band spreads a horrible message, I mean look at what they call there music, "Wicked Shit". And their stage presence. There make-up is just a cheap immitation of Kiss make-up. I mean look at it! Now I know you may call me a "hater", but you know what I don't care. I believe firmly in equality and peace, I am a firm enviromentalist and vegan. And all your music does is spread messages of hate. So all you "Juggalos and Juggalettes" please go find some pleasant and constructive music. May I suggest folk?

by digglefallen February 25, 2008

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