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A Filipino insult which Luzon and Mindanao calling them Bisaya from the middle of the region of Philippines 'Visayas' usually the Region 6 - Western Visayas, Region 7 - Central Visayas, and Region 8 - Eastern Visayas who are either ignorant, rude, disrespectful, gossipers, or in one word the worst human being in the country Philippines who doesn't care about others and instead cares about themselves.

People 1 catches People 2 from falling down the stairs which would lead to his death sacrificing a pot of food for the homeless, People were shocked on what happened and the pot of food landed near a pot of plants, everything was sopping wet and people helped clean up the mess but the wetness stays behind. The Bisayas heard what happened and visited the area and said "What the ****? Someone overwatered the plants." No one cared and people just ignored her stupidity because she's Bisaya and do not want to trigger their entitlement.

by dioXUD February 16, 2021

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