Source Code

yaunt to?

a mountain redneck term for"do you want to?"

yaunt to go back yonder and boink?

by dipshit November 8, 2003

7👍 5👎

poopy gurl brain

Gaylords who allways seem to have shit for brains

Pla975 who is a gay lord that HAS shit for brains

by dipshit January 20, 2004

7👍 5👎

we need to talk

your screwed and fucked up its over...i cant believe you fucked my mom...

jennie told steve she couldnt believe hed fucked her mom AGAIN so she told him they needed to talk

by dipshit September 27, 2003

8👍 3👎


little, small

My lil ass.

by dipshit February 12, 2003

518👍 262👎

Golden Shower

peeing on someone

R. Kelly gavce a golden shower to a 12 year old girl

by dipshit April 28, 2003

122👍 104👎


a cocksucking boss

ron cain is a fucking cocker

by dipshit September 6, 2003

14👍 43👎