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1. A person that is young and small
2. A vape

1. "Look at that jhit on the playground"
2. "Toss me that Jhit, I'm fiending"

by dizz26 November 2, 2021

2👍 2👎


The same thing as fuckable, but you say it to your homies. It comes from the "Prank him John" video

1. Yo bro you looking really prankable in them pants

by dizz26 January 26, 2022


A racial slur directed at Native Americans by primative southerners who are too ignorant to acknwoldge the fact that all POC aren’t black

“I can’t fuckin’ stand these god damn Indiginiggers, It’s my fuckin’ land now!”

by dizz26 September 27, 2023

boom boom boom boom boom

westside gunn's crazy adlibs, used on mostly every griselda song

*Song Starts*

Westside Gun: Ayo, Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

by dizz26 December 13, 2022