Ethan... You will always want a Ethan around. He brightens your day, he makes you laugh, hes super fun to ride busses with. If you need someone to stand up for you he for sure got your back. Maybe that's why he has so many friends. Make sure your careful on what you say to him cause he has a soft heart. Ethan is an amazing guy and make sure you hold on to him for a long time cause he got you no matter what. You can tell him literally anything and he will be understanding and will help you through the way. He is such an amazing person in my life and i hope we never break apart from our friendship. You might think that not talking to him for a while means that you guys are losing your friendship, but he will never do that to you. i love the Ethan in my life and i hope im friends with him forever.
" Ethan is the bestest friend you could ever have"