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cool off

Cool off period, cool off duration, or simply known as ‘cool off’ is a set or indefinite period of time, you impose on a friend, significant other, colleague or family member. Cool off is generally applied when another has wronged, disappointed, upset, annoyed or irritated the imposer. During the cool off period, the imposer will remain silent fur the duration, giving themselves time to compose themselves and time for the imposed to think what they have done. If the imposed tries to contact during the cool off, they shall be ignored or furthermore may result the cool off in being extended. Cool off is an effective strategy and more than often results in making up after the period is lifted.

'Hey dude, your berd is smokin' hot'
'Dude, you goin' for a cool off, stop that'
'I'm just appreciating your girlfriend man'
'Well don't, stop perving, cool off.'
'Uh, how long bro?'
'One hour.'

by doley4lyf January 13, 2016

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