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a platform made to define slang but only used by people to define sex positions usually using feces as lubricant and also used for people to define their own name as sexy and big {cocked}

{james}: im gunna use {urbandictionary.com} to say that im sexy and quick witted! and afterward i might jerk off to {eric carman} X Ike Broflovski lemon fanfiction

by don'taskwhojoeis January 9, 2021




by don'taskwhojoeis February 5, 2021

4👍 9👎


Your mom.

greg: Your mom is gay

craig: *instantaneously shatters into trillions upon trillions of fragments that used to make up what he once was but so incredibly fast that he doesn't even notice or feel it in his last nanoseconds of life*

greg: lol

by don'taskwhojoeis August 23, 2022