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Verb: the act of intentional ignorance or lack of knowledge, commonly intended to cause one else to think lowly of the troll and counter argue with "greater intellect", thus exposing the foolishness of the trollee one who is influenced by a troll.

Troll can also be used as a noun one who performs the act of trolling.

Troll: If you make a box with mirrors, shine a flashlight into it and quickly close the box, you can retain light for later use.

Trollee: With all due respect, that is impossible, by the time you close the box, the light would escape. If you could close the box faster than 186,000MPH, the glass would definitely shatter due air friction itself.

Troll: You know nothing about fisiks. Have you ever tryed it?

Trollee: Look here you moron, learn how to spell first then come to my lab and I'll show you exactly why your hypothesis is invalid.

by donkeykong3snes September 6, 2012

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