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the 19th amendment

In which a dude goes down on a woman, she squirts on his face, and he learns respect for women.

Coined by comedienne Liz Miele.

"Last night was amazing -- we shared the 19th amendment together by candlelight."

by doubiesnax May 1, 2015

4👍 3👎

the equal pay act

A woman riding a dude, she gets him about 30% away from an orgasm then gets up and leaves.

Coined by comedienne Liz Miele.

"I met a really cute guy last night, but it was pretty hot so I totally put the equal pay act on that ass like a bad bitch."

by doubiesnax May 1, 2015

6👍 4👎

Dimple dents

Another name for two cheek piercings located where dimples would normally be.

"There was a really cute girl at the party... She had everyone's attention with her dimple dents, but I was the only one who caught her eye."

by doubiesnax May 10, 2015

make your own dinner

A sexual position in which a woman is masturbating in the kitchen, and a dude walks in sad.

Coined by comedienne Liz Miele.

"Honey, make your own dinner. /Somebody/ has to do this."

by doubiesnax May 1, 2015