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sure there are some "emo" people who do fit the big crying, slitting wrists all depressing stereotype. but that doesn't mean everyone is like that, and they shouldn't be paid out for it even if they are. its just the label that is given to people who "look the part". also these days people don't fit into one specfic category, they can be a bit of this and that and why should anyone tell them what they can and cant do. i admit there are some posers who just try to look like whatever is in at the time scenesters just to be cool, but you dont always know the difference between the actual ones, and the fake ones. did u ever think people look and dress and act the way they do because they like it? not just because others think its the cool thing. people can look however they want to look, and most of them dont care if you dont like it, and probably dont like what you wear either.
and you cant just be all like "well what i believe in is the best, and if you dont like (emo/indie/hardcore/thrash/techno/rnb/whatever) it means i dont like you and your just a fag loser" what kind of mindset is that?
everyone should just get over their differences and stop judging people, you may find you have something in common.
its not like you have to agree, but dont have such a closed mind and dont judge people so quickly if you dont actually know them

p1: jeez look at that faggy emo kid over there, bet he cries himself to sleep everynight
p2:well there actually a really nice person. i work with them, they're funny.
p1: but there emo, and they are all fags
p2: your a fucken idiot

p3: jeez, bree is different these days, shes all emo and gross
p4: pretty sure shes the same person she's always been. but you wouldnt know that coz your a douche bag who stopped talking to her because she started dressing differently

by dramakk August 24, 2008

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