of or relating to the vagina;
that which is not the vagina or related in any way to the vagina itself but inexplicably reminds one of the vagina;
having a vagina-like quality;
a superlative appropriate for any occasion
Preston: Hey what say we hit taco bell on the way back to the dorm?
Nimrod: nah. how bout captain dave's seafood.
Preston: Not that place is totally vagalistic.
19π 1π
your hot aunt whose can you are always dreaming of tapping
young nephew dude: damn dad's sister is totally aunt poon
cousin dude: no shit i busted wood twice at the dinner table
43π 6π
when a man's chest hair only grows in a narrow vertical strip in the middle of his chest thus resembling a taco
Prince would totally look like a chic if he lost the chest taco.
24π 2π
a location from which vast quantities of poon may be readily viewed
frat boy 1: dude where r u going for spring break?
frat boy 2: duh, poonta vista. how bout u?
36π 7π
the Zen-like state of mind when one may freely and with neither shame nor pride claim authorship of each and every gaseous release from ones ass
Old uncle dudely: catch that one you young whipper snapper and paint it green.
Young nephew duder: dude that is devastating. i am stupified not only by it's gnarly scent but by your anal openness.
Old uncle dudely: years in india my boy. years in india.
17π 3π
the process of sexing up a hottie then fleeing the scene never to be heard from again
distinguish from "a keeper"
Dudely dude: dude who was the hottie i saw you with last night?
Duder: oh dude that was shirley. bitch put the pussy on me last night
Dudely dude: keeper?
Duder: negative. tag and release.
Dudely dude: excellant
33π 16π
n. the proper legal term for the ass crack
City Councilman: "...and let me further say, that in due consideration of the various statutes, regulations and so forth, addressing the issue, that it is now, and forever should be the case that no person no where in the Daytona Beach area shall expose, in whole or in part, any portion or particle of their anal cleft in such a manner, so has to.....
35π 2π