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A xenogender is a gender that can't be entirely described by human concepts of gender, like male, female, or no gender.

It can be complicated, but xenogenders are often described as feeling like objects, sensations, songs, feelings, concepts, etc.

Some people may create xenogenders based on things of comfort/interest to them.

Xenogenders are not transphobic and they are completely valid and real.

Ringo: I have a xenogender! Mine feels like the way bubbles look and move when you blow on them.
Riley: Sweet! My xenogenders don't feel like that, but one of mine feels like the way my keyboard feels when I press the keys.
Marco: I don't have xenogenders, but I'm not going to be a jerk and pretend I know your gender better than you guys do. I'm glad you've found yourselves. :D

by duhding July 12, 2021

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