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Black resume

Evidence that one is not racist. The quality and presence of a black resume ( having relations with or to a black person). For instance if you have a black friend that is a lame black resume. But if your step daddy is black. And you grew up on ham hocks and black eyed peas, your half sister is black, you have a decent black resume.

If someone says you’re a racist. You can reply… “impossible, my dads black, I have a black resume.”

by dumpling765 July 2, 2022

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having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against families, children, old people.

a collection of ideas and phenomena that encompass a range of negative attitudes, feelings, or actions towards families or families as an institution of value.

When someone asks “why would you want to have kids”. You can tell them “you sound FAMPHOBIC”

by dumpling765 July 2, 2022

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The act of placing a hand on the underside of a woman's belly or womb area, a sign of affection and intimacy to some, more related to interactions near or with a females organ designated for childbearing.

"Dude sorry I was late, I was busy wombing." "Oh, it's totally okay man, I'm so jealous my girlfriend isn't a huge fan of wombing yet." "Thanks, I'm so lucky I'm a womber."

by dumpling765 December 20, 2019

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Where you latch yourself to your significant other in an attempt to hold on (cuddle closely) as a cute koala would to a eucalyptus tree. Also koalaing refers to holding on to something very tight or someone as if dependent, or cudding by wrapping your arms and legs around the person as if they were a tree.

"My girlfriend is so good at koalaing, she can hold on even when I walk up the stairs."

by dumpling765 December 20, 2019

Cheerful hug

When someone approaches their partner and gives them a 'hug' in a cheerful, purposeful, and enthusiastic manner. Can also be used to describe a really great blow job.

"I just recieved the most cheerful hug in my life."

by dumpling765 December 20, 2019

Breathe giggle

When someone exhales short and quick breathes but also sounds like they are giggling or laughing at the same time. Short bursts of quite laughter.

"She likes to breathe giggle so that way her laugh isn't too loud to wake everyone else up."

by dumpling765 December 20, 2019