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Noonies are when you got to the pub in the afternoon for "just one drink" and by the time you leave its pitch black outside (not that you're in a fit state to see any way after actually having about 10 drinks)

It normally happens on a friday after finishing work early.

Noonies are NEVER planned.

"Oi Oi Dave wanna go down the pub for a quick pint“
" yeah sure mate as long as we dont end up having noonies like last time"

by dylbertl December 26, 2018


A disgusting act between two men where they spit on their hands, shake hands and then high five.

"yo bro we did a great job boning that girl together lets spitroast! "
"Nice one bro!"

*men proceed to peform a perfectly executed spitroast*

by dylbertl April 30, 2018

4👍 10👎