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n. the hormone released after an especially good snuggle session with oneҀ™s partner.

Heightened levels of snuggledorphins often lead to feelings of happiness and contentment even in the face of gray winter days and empty bank accounts.

by dzmodelman June 24, 2009

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funpound word

n. a combination or conjunction of two or more previously defined words or acronyms in a playful manner.

urban dictionary is particularly full of funpound words, like, neighbornet, snuggledorphin, staycation, and bromance, just to name a few.

by dzmodelman June 25, 2009


(n) goodness, sexiness, adeptness, sweetness, coolness, general flexibility.

Wow, check out Liz's jigginess with the mancraft!

The way Joe was dressed last night told me he was on his way out for some unprejudiced jigginess.

by dzmodelman August 4, 2008

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