Source Code


Chi-Rish meaning a hybrid between a chinese and an irish person.

CLIFF! Clifford Chung is a chirish person

by eLement June 30, 2004

95πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


Quite simply, bumboclaat means toilet paper. Bumbo means bottom, claat is the Jamaican pronounciation of cloth. Very mild swear word, but in Jamaica, where swearing is a very serious thing, a few 'rebels' managed to get away with bumboclaat...and it caught on.

Used for emphasis or exclamation mainly:

Dat bumboclaat policebwoy arrest mi fi nutt'n!

A weh di bumboclaat wrong wid yuh?

Bumboclaat, she have a big bloodclaat batty

by eLement February 22, 2004

581πŸ‘ 250πŸ‘Ž


Mad ghetto wear, a clothing company

"Dawg that ecko tight"

by eLement February 21, 2003

171πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž


A member of the clan LCD(Leading Cause of Death). A former Unreal Tournament 2004 player, but now plays Counter Strike Source. Arguably the gayest person on the interweb.

j00rBuDdy: i quit ut i play css now becuase im a fucking faggot

by eLement November 21, 2004

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

digital demise

Once was an Unreal Tournament 2004 clan. Died due to the excessive drama. Most members switched to the clan LCD(Leading Cause of Death). Better known as Digital Drama. See drama.

ELeMeNT: ill get one soon just stfu im out bye
j00rBuDdy: nOoooOoOOoOooOOo element dont leave i love you!
fool: omg dd is such a fucking joke we fucking suck we should just fucking quit
Lethal: hey guys i just beat this ex kaizen* guy 30-3**

*really a guy from the clan 187
**the real score was 12-10

by eLement November 21, 2004

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A code word for "porn", used to fool people

"Dude I saw somw good pizno on kazaa."

by eLement February 21, 2003

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


coolest guy on the interweb. i <3 him to the max(green m&ms are his favorite)

Mip: eleleelelele!
ELeMeNT: omgz its mip hi2U!!!!!111!1!1!

by eLement November 20, 2004

6πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž