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when someone who is very passionate about creating a more sustainable future for our planet gets really, really, REALLY excited about composting, and it makes them feel good all over.

oh my goodness!! putting all of these potato skins, orange peels, and broccoli stems into this compost bag is making me soooo happy!! in fact, i think i'm about to have a compostgasm!!!

by earthcrunch December 29, 2011

22👍 10👎


someone who identifies as queer, who also happens to be a spiritual person.

"yeah, we meditate together on wednesday evenings....you know--to get down with our queeritual side."

by earthcrunch December 7, 2011


Pride + Tired = PRIRED.

The feeling of total exhaustion after several days of celebrating Pride as an LGBTQ+ person.

A large part of this exhaustion comes from knowing how the gatherings and marches, (especially Dyke spaces), used to look and feel, and how they have become appropriated by too many non-LGBTQ+ folks rampantly using it as an excuse to just party, without respect for the radical history and still-present need for it to continue to be a safe space for us to claim for ourselves.

(It's great to have allies, but allies need to be respectful in taking up space, and support from the sidelines.)

Seeing all these cishet bros drinking in the park and taking up so much of what should be our space is making me feel so Prired.

by earthcrunch June 28, 2016