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Full of yuppies and WASPS. We figured it out once; 70% of the children our blonde. We're not as rich as Westport but we pretend we're as cool by buying all our clothes there. Some kids in Fairfield live in a section called Southport. They are richer than the kids in Westport. Then theres those kids who think they're ghetto even the cheapest house in this town costs a little more than half a million dollars. If you live here and live the lifestyle you're either going to go to an Ivy, Boston College, Loyalo, Villanova or somewhere else similar. Either your daddy is a lawyer, a doctor, in "finance", or sits on your couch all day because you inherited all your money. If you want to have friends do at least two of the five:
1) Drive a Lexus, Range Rover, or BMW while blasting Dave Matthews
2) Spend $100 on shirts with a little J zipper, an alligator, or a guy playing polo on them
3) Have keg parties at your mansion
4) Tell me where you buy your pot
5) Be neurotic about your grades and have a GPA 4.3 or higher

Kate* is very popular in Fairfield because she alternates between Lacoste and Ralph Lauren Polos while maintaining a 4.5 GPA and getting unbelievably wasted every weekend.

*This is the most common name in Fairfield. Kate is no one in particular.

by eastcoastganster October 6, 2005

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