1: A cracker, usualy of the saltine variety, whos sole purpose is to cut the roof of your mouth upon entry.
2: A woman with a nub arm and a serious razor scar on her coresponding leg.
3: The goddess of hooch. (See 'hooch' as hard alcohol.)
1: Boy I 'tell 'ya I was jus takin' a bite'a them dang 'ol peanut buttah on a cracka and den it just doom-boom-bang... dang 'ol... wackycracka.
2: I licked that wackycracka's stump of an arm and then i felt the sweet lady-bic scar on my thigh as i stuck it in and started wigglin!
3: And may the holy spirit Wackycracka bless these forties of Old-E that you lay down here before us and the wiskey shots that we chase them with.
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