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Bainbridge Island

An island off the coast of seattle full of cookie cutter assholes. Most people are rich, but don’t realize they’re rich because everyone is rich so they don’t appreciate what they have and are very disconnected from reality. It’s a very beautiful place from the outside but the longer you stay the more fucked up you realize the people are.

Mostly there’s a lot of unhappy rich people, who probably peaked in highschool and are upset that they married into a loveless relationship and are working for Amazon. Because of this they passive aggressively bully anyone who rejects this lifestyle, and post on facebook complaining a lot. If they have kids, they get involved with middle/high school drama and gossip about random kids traumatic events as their only source of entertainment.

The high school is super fucked up and full of drug addicts and rapists who are protected from consequences by daddy’s money. A lot of them don’t ever leave so there’s a big population of 20 something’s who drive drunk/high everywhere and are always trying to get with underage girls.
There’s a lot of very shallow and sheltered people, and not much to do for fun. If your parents weren’t born here you probably won’t make many friends, as people are very snobby about their family’s history on the island and extremely cliquey. Also everything is very expensive and inconvenient to get to. Overall a very shitty place to grow up and I do not recommend it to anyone.

Guy: Yo I’m thinking of moving to Bainbridge Island
Guy 2: So you’re a masochist?

by elleangel222 July 19, 2022