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Chaldish behaviour includes:

-Dumping your girl (who you had a real connection with) just because somebody called you "whipped" after repeatedly assuring your girl that your head won't be turned
-Telling your new girl all about how evil your ex (while making up lies to cover your own behaviour)
-Telling your ex that the reason you cracked on with your new girl is because of her terrible behaviour while refusing to take any responsibility for the demise of your relationship
-Continuing to treat your ex horribly while rubbing your new relationship in her face
-Gaslighting and lying
-Refusing to let your ex move on with a much better suited man after your new girl leaves

-Telling your ex that it was her all along who you really wanted and making up some atrocious lies in order to win her over

"Don't let Michael her about how you called him CHALDISH!" - "Don't worry about it, he has tiny ears."

by elliebellie_ July 19, 2019