Himani is an amazing girl with beautiful name which means "Snow". People with this name are really captivating & unique. She's got a beautiful nature which attracts everyone but being a nyctophile(person who loves night darkness), she's an extreme Autophile(person who loves loneliness). Be careful if she says "busy with work" to your offer to turn it down,cuz she isn't really busy just avoiding you. She's got a talent of ignoring people to death.
She loves wearing oversized, loose clothes to make her comfortable, she rarely touches beauty products. She's trustworthy, it's like all your secrets are safe with her. She's independent & responsible. She's born creative & talented. She's got a bunch of crushes but never lets anyone ruin her career, & is a studious one. She's got a dozen of plans & earns to travel.
Himani rarely wears any make up, isn't it?
I've seen her wearing though, but just once.