Gank - Verb
Ganked - Verb
Gank·ing - Adj
Gank·er - Noun
Gank:To gang up and kill
Ganked:Past tense use of gank. To have been ganged up on and killed.
Ganking:To be in the process of ganging up and killing an opponent. To describe the action of gank.
Ganker:Someone or something that is to be uses as the initiator of a gank. To describe someone's class or roll in a MMO game.
Other uses include-
Gank: To steal, rob, or other unlawful acts to take from someone or something. Not to actually involve the act of ganging up and killing of something.
History of the word- Originally derived to shorten the phrase "Gang up ANd Kill" in online games such as; DotA, LoL, and HoN.
Online player 1: "It would help if you told is Puck was missing, he just tried to gank us."
Online player 1: "Dude!!! Get out of you lane!!! Your level 9 and haven't ganked anyone yet!
Online player 1: "Someone pick a ganker, we have no one that can initiate."
Online player 2: **picks Thunderbringer** "How's that? I can ult people!"
Online player 1,3,4,5: "GG! We have noob TB"
Online player 1: "LEVEL 8 PUDGE!? Why arnt you ganking people?"
Online player 2: "I don't have my boots yet! STFU"
Online player 1: "You are so fail..."
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