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Differing definitions and forms of nationalism:
-Sentiment of loyalty
-Propensity of favoritism to one's own nation often at the expense of other nations, people, rights, etc.
-Attitude that attaches high importance to distinct characteristics of a nation.
-Doctrine that national culture should be preserved
-Theory that mankind is naturally divided into nations.

It may be expressed in two ways- as patriotism or as a supremacist perspective.

• Patriotism ☺
-You like your country & homeland
-This does not deny other nations any rights.

• Nation-State as supreme value
-Sees the nation-state as the supreme power
-The growth, existence, power & growth of one’s nation is that person’s supreme value

•Terms relating to nationalism
-A nation is a group identity (decent, history, culture or language)
-A state is a defined territory on a map w/ an organized government
-A nation-state is when you have both at the same time

Smithy: "Tell me class-is the United States Nationalist?"

Ricardo: Fosho because we got a national identity. There was also a linguistic change to reflect a nationalistic identity after the civil war. Abe Lincoln did this intentionally he was like “The United States HAS a proud people.” before that people would be like “The United States HAVE a proud people.” The 1st is in plural form. The 2nd is in singular. The 2nd reflects nationalism.

Pedro: No! We aint nationalist because our value system encourages other things. The military is made to limit nationalism por ejemplo- military officers cannot hold public offices they must resign their military position 1st
The Millitary's slogans aren't nationalist either:
“1st Duty, 2nd Honor, 3rd Country”
“1st God, 2nd Family, 3rd Country”

by epistephiliac May 20, 2010

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