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A city in Central Virginia, also know as The Capital of Confederacy. The city of Richmond was founded in 1737 and is home to many historic landmarks such as the White House of the Confederacy.

The city itself looks like shit. Very rough looking. I have been throughout the country and I can say Richmond is just as dirty if not dirtier than Baltimore. I also had noticed that it was most likely 95% African American and didn’t look to healthy, or safe. Richmond in general is a screwed up old city that consistently ranks among the most violent cities list within its population group.

The white people, who are here.....In short, are assholes!

The outskirts of the city going from Chamberlayne road into downtown progressively get more ghetto, and more ghetto. A great majority of the buildings in the city need to be demolished as most are boarded up.

I couldn’t live here. Couldn't do it. I’m sure not the entire city is completely a shithole but a great majority of it is.

I probably won’t ever go there again unless I want to get into some shit. Within 5 minutes of entering city limits I was flicked off for glancing at someone walking.

For all the people who think Richmond is a great wonderful place. Go to hell. You’re in denial. Richmond is a DUMP!

Fuck that place.

The End.

1) Want to go to Richmond.

2) No, That’s the only city that makes me want to bathe.

by ericc645 November 7, 2008

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