In the small town of Wendell, NC (a wannabe version of Clayton, NC), there lies a school that stole more than half of the population at Clayton High School and Smithfield-Selma High. We call it Corinth-Holders High School, where no one knows or cares to know where the hell it got it's name from. Corinth-Holders High currently consists of 9th and 10th graders, in which they all despise this pathetic excuse for a new high school. This school has ruined the district lines. No wonder Johnston County's broke as fuck. And not only this, but they also suspend students for using lotion.
Rose: So, Emely, what high school do you go to now?
Emely: I go to Corinth-Holders High School now.
Rose: You should seriously think about going back to South Johnston. I hear the staff there eat puppies.
Emely: So that's what happened to Sparky...
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