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lily felure

She is the most beautiful human being. She has very curly hair which she straightens a lot. Also has an AMAZING personality for example she will get mad at you then will forgive you and give you a second chance to fix your mistake. When she makes a joke about something even if it's just a little one everyone laughs right away. She is also a HUGE twilight fan and is thankfully team Edward. She also is a HUGE animal lover and cares for all of her animals. When you hang out with her it's the time of your life she is so fun to be around you do so many fun things together. Then you can't forget that she is a huge bookworm and has read the twilight saga 1 million times. Also when you and lily were little you used to play American Girl dolls, equestrian girls, and lps and that was so much fun when you guys were little. And don't even get me started on how sweet she is oh my god she would literally do anything for you cause she cares so much and all of that plus more is why you guys have been friends for over 10+ years and still going strong.

"wow look at lily felure she is amazing like how? "

"because she just is "

by evieissocool June 24, 2021