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Prime Hydration

The most overrated drink in the entire universe which YouTubers that have to yell every 3 seconds milk the shit out of, always out of stock because of the 11-year-olds flexing on their YouTube channel with 12 subscribers they got a energy drink which tastes like shit.

Random TikToker: This corner shop is selling Prime Hydration for £25
*summons an entire cult of 11 year old children to raid the store*

by excusemebish June 20, 2023

3👍 1👎

Among Us VR

The VR adaption of a dead-ass game, typically filled with children that are under the age of 10 and usually grown-ass men screaming at the top of their lungs in order to 'troll' these children.

Average Day of Among Us VR

Kid: "You're imposter"
Kid: "You're such a monster"
Streamer: intense ohio screaming for 3 minutes straight
Kid: *crying like a 3 month old*

by excusemebish December 2, 2022