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super mysterious rape machine

the art of taking someone to your house out of pure spite and hooking them up to a machine that not only goes inside their glorious butthole but it also calls them racist slurs like gaynaggotfigger while continuing to ravange their insides

i hate it when i get super mysterious rape machined

by extremedicktionarywonderer February 20, 2025


the outerrim of your asscheeks getting spread so hard and came in so hard by 25 different dudes until you just sit there and accept the fact that you are getting creampied in by 25 dudes and youre too tired to wipe it off to the fact you grow a living organism out of your butthole from the crusted guys semen.

sometimes when im home alone i like it when 25 dudes commit extremebuttholemutationcrust inside of me.

by extremedicktionarywonderer February 20, 2025


when you superpissincum you are accidentally wanking it off to bella delphine and then you start spraying you penis juice all over your grandmother! the penis is super erect and you not only piss but you cum at the same time, and when youre cuming you grandaddy cum on yoy as well!!! his super aged pee pee in humongous!!

my grandma let me superpissincum all over her giant ass!!!!

by extremedicktionarywonderer May 15, 2024


its when you accidentally take a shit in your pants and all the sudden a big oiled up black niggle monkey cums and caresses your tight ass hole. and all of the sudden you start raping yourself because you thought the monkey was doing it.

i hope a big black oiled monkey nigglefart cums and farts on me

by extremedicktionarywonderer May 15, 2024