A Wicca (compare wicked) is usually a female, although men (Noids in swedish, where the degrading term "paranoid" comes from) also got burned for not being stupid. And are, like sinead o'connor and her brethren, the caretakers of the earth, as opposed to the church, who cares for the sky. The real term was Vika, where "viking" comes from, but they never called themselves that. The viks just went out in vikar (bays - places between the earth and water) and did their crusades. Like white men did with blacks, the christians did with the northern men, only 500 years earlier. Still to this day, runestones are said be raised by the almighty, but they sound more like bellman stories. In transylvania, runes where used officially until the 19:th century, and the writing on wood stretches all the way to turkey and mongolia. They weren't primitive, and the ones who think they have the power, all die on the inside - live miserable pathetic plastic lives, while the witches live close to nature, and nurture it, and thus get nurtured by it.
- How did that absinthe taste?
- Wicked...
- Are you Wicca?
- No, I'm a normal person just like you.